Friday, February 22, 2008


It takes about three minutes a picture to upload, so these are just a few of my favorites! Enjoy!! My students after I gave them popcicles. They love the camera, and all fight to get to the front of the picture!

Playing at recess in the school yard.

Me with a lizzard on a stick!

This is swimming in a waterfall with another volunteer.

This is in the market place

These are two of my favorite students! On the right is Fatuma and on the left is Debeakia (im not sure of that spelling!)

This is my class, they go crazy when I get my camera out!


gavin richardson said...

cool pictures. it is funny how kids go nuts over the pictures. erin, my wife, has similar pictures from her time in zambia.

Anonymous said...

so i finally figured out how to set up an account and post on your blog!!! i've been reading all your updates, and am so excited to hear all your news!

first of all... GO VOLS!!! glad that the good news traveled all the way to africa, i guess tennessee is just that awesome :)

i always seem to find a way to talk about you in my teaching classes, so you are pretty much a legend in the Education College (not really, but i'm working on it). i hope that you don't mind, but i have given the link to your blog to one of my cooperative learning groups (i talk about you pretty much every meeting, and they asked if they could get the address to the blog - they are just as excited as i am about the work you are doing!)

i really am taken aback with each of your posts. you are such an amazing and driven person, i wish i had half of your guts! your stories are enlightening and moving, and i can't wait to check each day to see if you've updated.

i guess this is rather long for a "comment" so i will tie this up. know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers, and as much good as you are doing over there, i can't wait to have you back here.

all my love,
